

Offer for Projects

  • We are always looking for motivated people in all levels (undergraduate, masters, PhD, post-doc). Interested are highly welcome to contact us with a brief CV to discuss the details oriented on their interests. Contact



Journal Articles


Weighted bag of visual words with enhanced deep features for melonama detection. (2024)

Expert Systems with Applications

E.Okur and M.Turkan.  



Fluorescence microscopy denoising via neighbor linear-embedding. (2024)


C.Kirmiziay, B.Aydeniz and M.Turkan.  



An optimized approach for light-field super-resolution. (2024)


B.Aydeniz and M.Turkan.  


Multi-exposure fusion via sparse features. (2024)


Z.O.Yayci and M.Turkan.  


Image dehazing for accurate object detection. (2024)

(Submitted) Digital Signal Processing

E.Kacmaz and M.Turkan.  


Automatic quality assessment for industrial denim grading. (2024)


P.Balkaya, M.C.Basut and M.Turkan.  


An optimized facial texture and emotion transfer between images. (2024)


A.Yaylalioglu and M.Turkan.  


Ghosting-free multi-exposure image fusion for static and dynamic scenes. (2023)

Signal Processing

O.Ulucan, D.Ulucan and M.Turkan.  



Preserving spatio-temporal information in machine learning: A shift-invariant k-means perspective. (2022)

Journal of Signal Processing Systems

Y.Oktar and M.Turkan.  



Image declipping: Saturation correction in single images. (2022)

Digital Signal Processing

D.Karakaya, O.Ulucan and M.Turkan.  



Multi-exposure image fusion based on linear embeddings and watershed masking. (2021)

Signal Processing

O.Ulucan, D.Karakaya and M.Turkan. 



Image quality assessment based on manifold distortion. (2021)

Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences




Electronic nose and its applications: a survey. (2020)

International Journal of Automation and Computing

D.Karakaya, O.Ulucan and M.Turkan.  



Evolutionary simplicial learning as a generative and compact sparse framework for classification. (2020)

Signal Processing

Y.Oktar and M.Turkan.  



K-polytopes: A superproblem of k-means. (2019)

Signal, Image and Video Processing

Y.Oktar and M.Turkan.  



A review of sparsity-based clustering methods. (2018)

Signal Processing

Y.Oktar and M.Turkan.  



A survey on automated melanoma detection. (2018)

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

E.Okur and M.Turkan.  



Conference Papers


Sparse features for multi-exposure fusion. (2024)


Z.O.Yayci, M.Turkan.  


Vision-based denim quality assessment. (2023)

In Proc. Conf. Innovations Intell. Syst. Appli. (ASYU)

P.Balkaya, M.C.Basut, M.Turkan.  



Underwater image dehazing via red-channel recovery. (2023)

In Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

E.D.Petenkaya, O.B.Lacin, O.F.Kara, M.Turkan.  



NLED: Neighbor linear-embedding denoising for fluorescence microscopy images. (2022)

In Proc. Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO)

C.Kirmiziay, B.Aydeniz, M.Turkan.  



Patch enhancement for melanoma detection with bag of visual words. (2022)

In Proc. Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO)

E.Okur, M.Turkan.  



Enhancing two-photon images for anatomical visualisation using super-resolution. (2022)

In Proc. Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO)

B.Aydeniz, S.C.Metin, D.Unay, T.Karayannis, M.Turkan, A.O.Argunsah.  



Melanoma detection in dermoscopic images: A bag of visual words approach. (2022)

In Proc. Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO)

E.Okur, M.Turkan.  



Microscale image enhancement via PCA and well-exposedness maps. (2022)

In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (IEEE-ICIP)

Z.O.Yayci, U.Dura, Z.B.Kaya, A.E.Cetin, M.Turkan.  



PAS-MEF: Multi-exposure image fusion based on principal component analysis, adaptive well-exposedness and saliency map. (2022)

In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing (IEEE-ICASSP)

D.Karakaya, O.Ulucan, M.Turkan.  



Audio-visual speech recognition using 3D convolutional neural networks. (2021)

In Proc. Conf. Innovations Intell. Syst. Appli. (ASYU)

C.Belhan, D.Fikirdanis, O.Cimen, P.Pasinli, Z.Akgun, Z.O.Yayci, M.Turkan.  



Saturated region recovery in tone-mapped HDR images. (2021)

In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (IEEE-ICIP)

O.Ulucan, D.Karakaya, M.Turkan.  



Image fusion through linear embeddings. (2021)

In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (IEEE-ICIP)

O.Ulucan, D.Karakaya, M.Turkan.  



A comparative study on electronic nose data analysis tools. (2020)

In Proc. Conf. Innovations Intell. Syst. Appli. (ASYU)

D.Karakaya, O.Ulucan, M.Turkan.  



A large-scale dataset for fish segmentation and classification. (2020)

In Proc. Conf. Innovations Intell. Syst. Appli. (ASYU)

O.Ulucan, D.Karakaya, M.Turkan.  



Binocular vision based convolutional networks. (2020)

In Proc. IEEE Signal Process. Comm. Appl. Conf. (SIU)

Y.Oktar, O.Ulucan, D.Karakaya, E.O.Ersoy, M.Turkan.  



Classification via simplicial learning. (2020)

In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (IEEE-ICIP)

Y.Oktar, M.Turkan.  



A comparative analysis on fruit freshness classification. (2019)

In Proc. Conf. Innovations Intell. Syst. Appli. (ASYU)

D.Karakaya, O.Ulucan, M.Turkan. 



Deep learning based melanoma detection from dermoscopic images. (2019)

In Proc. Scientific Meeting Elec. Elect., Computer Sci., Biomed. Eng. (EBBT)

M.Berkay, E.H.Mergen, R.C.Binici, Y.Bayhan, A.Gungor, E.Okur, D.Unay, M.Turkan.  



Meat quality assessment based on deep learning. (2019)

In Proc. Conf. Innovations Intell. Syst. Appli. (ASYU)

O.Ulucan, D.Karakaya, M.Turkan.  



Dictionary learning with residual codes. (2017)

In Proc. IEEE Signal Process. Comm. Appl. Conf. (SIU)

Y.Oktar, M.Turkan.  





Automated melanoma detection in dermoscopic images

Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 2023

Erdem Okur, Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Turkan  


An efficient image dehazing for accurate object detection

M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 2023

Eray Kacmaz, Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Turkan and Assoc. Prof. Kaya Oguz  


Optimized exemplar-based light field super-resolution

M.Sc. Thesis in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 2023

Burhan Aydeniz, Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Turkan  


Patch based image denoising through locally linear embedding

M.Sc. Thesis in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 2022

Cagatay Kirmiziay, Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Turkan  


Variations on structured sparsity for machine learning

Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 2020

Yigit Oktar, Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Mehmet Turkan  


Image declipping - Saturation correction in images

M.Sc. Thesis in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 2020

Diclehan Karakaya, Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Mehmet Turkan  


Multi-exposure image fusion algorithms for high dynamic range imaging

M.Sc. Thesis in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 2020

Oguzhan Ulucan, Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Mehmet Turkan  




Image quality assessment via manifold distortion

(2017-2018) M.Turkan (Izmir Univ Econ)